Saturday, July 02, 2005


What is the truth?

Depends on what you choose to believe, i think. If you choose to believe the sky is red instead of blue, then that's the truth. But the sky is blue and you know thats true because you see it everyday with your own eyes. Wat about the blind? They can't see the sky is blue, but they have been told by those who can see that it's blue. Some blind people would have just choose to believe that the sky is blue. Some will choose to believe it's red or grey or black instead cos they refuse to believe the words of those who can see. Why? Maybe they have a strong belief in themselves. Or they are not totally blind but can see a bit of colour and when they look into the sky, they see red or grey or black and decided for themselves that the sky is red or grey or black, totally denying that they are blind or partially. The worst is they grandeurize their choice with literary flair to prove that its the truth. Statements written with conviction. Statements of personal opinion and belief disguised as truth of the world. Statements like those in the The Communist Manifesto or The little red book or The Satan Verses. Sorry, maybe those examples are a bit extreme. However, for some blind people who are easily influenced, they might subscribe to these well written and grandeurized statement. Why? They sound intellectual? They can't think of anything to refute it? The conviction in the statement reinforced their own doubt about the colour of the sky? Well, there is nothing wrong with them choosing to believe that the sky is red or grey or black. But if they feel sad about the fact that the sky is red or grey or black and choose to stand by that fact, without acknowledging that they can't see or refusing to believe the words of those who can see, then that becomes a problem. It becomes a hole that they just keep digging and digging. A vicious cycle. Why is the sky red or grey or black? Why can't it be blue? Am i always gonna be sad? Yes, i am and will always be cos the sky is red or grey or black. So what if i believe that the sky is blue? The fact is the sky is still red or grey or black. I will still be sad. And it just go on and on. Its just like wat i used ask people, "Can a donkey ever become a stallion?". In fact, there is no problem at all. Remember the blind people that just choose to believe that the sky is blue? Do they have a problem with wat colour the sky is? Well, you might say they are followers who just take wat they are given. If you think about it, they might be the smarter ones. They choose not to doubt and not to let it become a problem. They choose to accept the fact that without their sight they will not be able to confirm that the sky is blue. But wat do they get to lose? Why run away from the choice that will make you happy and glorify the choice that will make you sad? In actual fact, watever i have written above are all rubbish. They are insignificant. Why? Because whatever it is, in the end, you only have to ask yourself,

"Between being happy and being sad, why choose to be sad when you can choose to be happy?".

Ignorance is bliss sometimes.


  • Wah piang eh! I like the line in bold! Very suitable for someone. And the blind thing a bit comfusing for someone with lower intellect like me... Reminds me of the blind people having different comments about what an elephant looks like after molesting it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:50 AM  

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